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English translation for "institutional system"


Related Translations:
institutional:  adj.1.惯例的,规定的,制度上的。2.公共机构的,社会事业性质的〔尤指慈善事业机构〕。3.〔美国〕【广告】主要为建立公司产品声誉而创招牌的。短语和例子in need of institutional care 需要慈善事业机构照顾。adv.-ly
institutional function:  体制函数
institutional advancement:  结构改进
institutional setting:  院舍式环境
institutional strategies:  制度建设
institutional learning:  制度性学习
institutional facts:  制度性事实
institutional support:  机构性支助
institutional imperative:  制度性强制
institutional behavior:  制式行为
Example Sentences:
1.Evolution of institutional system is a markov process
2.Institutional system , the guarantee for the general planning of south - to - north water transfer project
3.The institutional system of shanxi merchant are integrated , structured , ordered and opened
4.To step up the reform of institutional system to enhance the development of agricultural information industry
5.The status and characteristics of private non - enterprise institutions in china ' s social institutional system
6.Study on the reform of institutional system of agricultural information at provincial level under market economic conditions
7.The research of oversea sports arbitration institutional resources used for refe rence in chinese sport arbitration institutional system
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